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Asif Razaf, Global Head of FX Automated Client Execution
10 Harewood Avenue, London, NW1 6AA - UK
Algorithms Offered & Their Execution Styles
Names of key fx algo strategies:
Chameleon: Adaptive liquidity seeking strategy
Iguana: Time based strategy with dynamic participation
Viper: Fast and aggressive strategy
Gamma: Gamma delta hedging
Rex: Portfolio/Basket Hedging

CORTEX iX has been designed to provide clients with access to bespoke algorithmic strategies whose primary goals are to capture price improvement, minimise market impact, and reduce overall transaction costs. Through our Flex iX program we offer completely tailored solutions based on our clients risk management profile.
Also available:
Customisation available
NDF algos
Basket algos
Supported currency pairs:
Our algo pricing is available in all G10 currencies and deliverable emerging market
currencies, including: CNH, CZK, HKD, HUF, ILS, MXN, PLN, RUB, SGD, THB, TRY and ZAR. NDF pairs include: KRW, INR, IDR, TWD, PHP, and BRL
Features & Functionality
Use of adaptive execution technology
Use of smart order routing SOR logic
Inflight execution modification possible
Algo flow permitted to cross with other clients algo flow
Simultaneous management of multiple strategies
Algo safety controls offered
Other associated services:
CORTEX iX utilizes a cutting edge order router that aggregates all available liquidity through several external and internal FX trading venues. Access to this liquidity enables our smart learning algorithms to minimize their market footprint whilst fulfilling an order.

Our algorithms employ multiple features that allow them to manage any adverse market conditions without need for user intervention.
TCA / Analytics Offered
Pre trade analytics
Post trade transaction performance
Real time TCA
Breakdown of child executions
Independent third party TCA
Customised reports
Execution consultation services
Other associated services:
Our award-winning iX suite is a full offering of pre-trade, real-time, and post-trade Transaction Cost Analytics along with our digital assistant, ALiX, putting the user in the driving seat.

Transparency is the key goal, by providing clear market information in real-time our users are able to make more informed decisions then ever before.
Distribution Channels Available
Proprietary platform
Direct FIX/API
Via third party platforms
Liquidity Access
Access to external sources
Access to internal sources
Liquidity source customisation available
Liquidity management toolsets offered
Service Offering
Segregated execution
247 technical support
Digital assistants
Bespoke apps
Quantitative research
Trade execution consultancy
Facilitation of buy-side reporting
Benchmarks and investment product support
Other associated services:
All FX Algo orders are handled and managed by the dedicated Algo desk, which is completely segregated from the principle trading desks both electronically and physically to ensure confidentiality and maintain information barriers. Key features include adaptivity, control, transparency, and confidentiality.
Trading Technology Solutions
Workflow solutions
White label solutions